Cars were front and centre in my childhood. With a father (Ray Lintott) who sold, collected and raced cars, it wasn't unusual for us to have a different car in the driveway every week. While other families went to the footy, we could be found at car shows or even at the smash up derby.
Not surprisingly, Ray managed to entice my brother, sister and I to join the family car dealership business. All in different roles and at different times, we each started our own stories in the car industry.
After more than 20 years in the motor trade, including five years as Dealer Principal of Porsche Centre Sydney South, I started Autonomy because I wanted a brand of products that didn't just make my car faster or shiner.....I wanted quality products that made my car cleaner, better organised and more beautiful - all while respecting the changing needs of automotive materials and finishes. I also wanted products that could help me personalise my car for my lifestyle which has changed so much over the years.
Sadly, Ray Lintott passed away in 2010, but I like to think he would approve of my vision for the Autonomy brand and be excited to see our family's continued connection with cars.